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Phone: +917411101589


Address: No. 76 Kanchamaranahalli village, Bengaluru - 560087

If you are looking for any bulk inquiries
Send us an email and we’ll get in touch shortly.


Step 1: Click on the Category of your choice
Step 2: Click on ADD TO CART.
Step 3: Click on CHECKOUT where you must fill in the required details and place your order successfully.
If you have any further queries, you can call our helpdesk at +917411101589 or chat with us using the Live chat at the bottom of your screen.

Yes, you can do this by filling in your address as the ‘Billing address’ and the address you wish to ship it to as the ‘Shipping address’.

Yes, it’s mandatory to make an account on our website to make your shopping experience swift and simple. You’ll be able to enjoy rating/ reviewing our products as per your experience, and also check your previous orders that are pending and also be able to cancel and refund if you may want so.

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Set your categories menu in Theme Settings -> Header -> Menu -> Mobile menu (categories)
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